Florida International University

This time, crime will have no victims.  In an effort to provide youth with safe summer activities, a coalition of organizations is presenting a mock crime scene and ensuing trial, and teens will not only be the witnesses, but also the lawyers and the jury.

It is all part of the Teen Court Mock Crime Scene and Trial event taking place this Saturday, Aug. 7,  from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. at Charles Hadley Park, 1300 NW 50th St.  Teens who attend the event will analyze mock crime scenes and play the roles of judge, jury lawyer and defendant in a trial.

“The children will come across different scenarios of crime scenes around the park, and try to analyze the situation,” said Lynda Roberts, crime prevention specialist with the Miami Police.

The event is the seventh of eight “Safe Summer, 2010” community activities designed to provide Liberty City youth with safe summer activities. But organizers say that teens from anywhere in Miami or Miami-Dade County can participate. Churches and youth groups have been invited to attend.

The Miami-Dade County Teen Court, a program to provide alternate punishments for underage, first-time offenders, will run the event. When offenders go through MDCTC, their punishments are determined by their peers in the program, rather than in the juvenile justice system. The goal is to decrease juvenile delinquency and crime.

For information, please call Roberts at 305-603-6095.
