A postscript (P.S.) is an afterthought, such as "P.S. I will send money later." This column is, in fact, a postscript to an article originally titled "Trusting the Father's Heart."
My thoughts expanded as I focused upon how best to know, and to grow, into trusting God's heart.
Jesus, in Luke (5:4), orders Peter "to put out into the deep and cast down your nets for a catch."
Peter responds, "We've worked all night and haven't caught anything, but because you say so, I will let down the nets."
Peter, often rebellious, trusted in Jesus, and did as He commanded. Jesus had twice called Peter to Discipleship, including once by the seashore, according to Matthew (4:18). Peter had returned to fishing.
"Seeking to know the Father's Heart" requires effort. Isaiah (30:15-17) instructs that rebellious children, unwilling to listen, are not acting as children of God. Knowing this, Jesus patiently sat in the boat and taught before telling His followers to set out into deep waters.
Realizing that you know the Father's heart is the beginning of salvation. Isaiah (30:15) uses the word "salvation" other than in the eternal sense, as in being saved from calamity.
Author Beth Moore reminds that, "Our need for deliverance doesn't end when we become Christians. We still need lots of help avoiding snares and pitfalls."
Isaiah (30:15) says, "In repentance and rest is our salvation." In quiet contemplation, we learn to trust and find strength.
While resting on vacation, I was fortified by a story, "The Surprise Inheritance," in Catherine Ponder's book, The Millionaire Moses.
The story is of a man with two sons who, upon his death, leaves to the eldest the home farm, a prosperous and fertile land. The other son inherits a distant wasteland with a shack in need of repair, an outhouse, and no well. For years, the disappointed son broods over the injustice of his inheritance. He chooses not to live on his waterless property and, instead, rents a farm.
One day, the demoralized heir hears a radio sermon urging listeners to "Live today. Begin now doing the thing you want to do. Begin now being the person you want to be. Begin now with what you have. Your opportunities lie within yourself. God will bless you once you start."
The son moves back to his decrepit farm and begins its restoration. He hires help, and begins to dig a well. One night, his own son excitedly advises that "black water"is flowing from the well. It is oil, a guarantee of future wealth.
An attorney later provides a note from the heir's father: "Son, when you receive this, you will have learned of the treasure on your land. I knew oil was there, but never told anyone, because I wanted you to find it. I know you and your family have suffered hardships, but I am sure you know the reward you've found is far greater than the sacrifices you've made."
"P.S. You won't need to dig for water anymore. You will find a well under the rocks in the yard. I covered it so you would have to dig a well and discover the oil."
Our Father's P.S. to you today is, "Seek to know My Heart. When you come to know it, trust in Me. After all, it is in your heart that I reside."
The Rev. Dr. R. Joaquin Willis is pastor of the Church of the Open Door at 6001 NW 8th Ave., Miami. To contact the church, call 305-759-0373 or email the pastor at pastoropendoorc@bellsouth.net.
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