krystal-walton.jpgThanksgiving Special

Faith: The Famous Feast (Luke Chapter 22). The Last Supper is not only THE MOST famous feast of the Christian faith, but also probably the most teachable moment for readers of the Bible.

The Last Supper is not only THE MOST famous feast of the Christian faith, but also probably the most teachable moment for readers of the Bible.

While the feast is commonly called “The Last Supper” to signify Jesus’ last meal with his disciples, to my surprise, during my “digging,” I discovered that the Last Supper is really the New Testament Passover.

The blood shed in both the Old and New Testament’s Passovers provided protection from death for every person who partook in that particular Passover.

In the Old Testament Passover, each Jewish family smeared lamb’s blood on their door so that death would pass over their household.

Similarly, in the New Testament Last Supper/Passover, Jesus, as the sacrificial lamb, instructed his disciples to eat of his body (symbolized by bread) and drink of his blood (symbolized by wine) in remembrance of him (verses 15-19).

Yet there are two important truths of this New Testament Passover that are commonly overlooked: (1) everyone in attendance partook in Jesus’s last feast except for Jesus and Judas, and (2) only Judas and Jesus died during the Crucifixion.  
Question: So when the soldiers came to capture & kill Jesus, why weren’t the disciples killed also?

Why didn’t the disciples die along with Judas?

Answer: The disciples had consumed the BLOOD of Jesus, Judas and Jesus did not! When the disciples consumed the wine and bread (verses 17-20), their bodies became the door, and the blood now in them became the label of protection as in the Old Testament Passover, causing death to pass over them.

The night of The Last Supper, Jesus went from mentor/teacher to active savior by becoming the sacrificial lamb.

During that same time, Judas went from disciple to the “devil” (verse 3). Death did not pass over Jesus because he knowingly did not partake in The Last Supper feast (study his language change from verse 8  “prepare us the Passover” to verses 15-19 “I will not….eat” and “I will not drink…”).

In order for Jesus to be able to die and provide salvation to all, he had to become susceptible to death and he did so in his denial of the Passover resulting in his death just as in the Old Testament’s Passover.

WOW! What an impact one feast can have on a person’s life … it can actually save it! This information makes me look forward to feasting with my family on Thanksgiving knowing  my life can be changed by the instructions received by them.

Fashion: Feast Your Eyes on These!

This winter’s wine wash is so divine
Keeps you current, chic, brings chills to a spine
Twist trends with a tweed
This “must” look you’ll need
It brings life to wardrobes
So hurry FULL speed!
Be Paparazzi Prepared with perfect pieces of plaid
Or place pops of interests with faux furs on a bag!
Heed this consulting, you'll be especially glad
When u see the new you and lowered price tag.

Freebie: Feasts of Food…& Fortitude

As newlyweds, my husband and I rotate between families on Thanksgiving. We feast on all our favorite foods but essentially spend this quality time with them to recharge & reconnect. We LOVE Thanksgiving because the love and protectiveness our moms give is so refreshing.

Their love and protection is a natural reminder of the love and protection Jesus has for us. At this feast tradition, the moms serve us by preparing our food while equipping us for life’s journeys and lessons — similar to Jesus’ breaking of the bread, wine giving and his counsel to the disciples at the Last Supper.

Both the Last Supper/Passover and Thanksgiving dinner are sentimental and essential traditions that I look forward to and am grateful to feast on both naturally and emotionally.


*Introducing… Paparazzi Prepared — where life’s faith walk meets fashion’s catwalk. With new technology and social media, even the everyday woman has paparazzi watching her image, so it is vital that when leaving your home you are Paparazzi Prepared. I am here to help primp your style into one that will sanctify you from the inside out with seeds of sophistication and virtue. Read it at