FORT LAUDERDALE — The Little Green Library and Environmental Learning Center, at 1033 N.W. Sixth St., Suite 102 in Fort Lauderdale, will host its official grand opening festivities from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. on Monday, April 23.

The Little Green Library and Environmental Learning Center is a public library and interactive learning center focused on green building, technologies for energy efficiency, urban farming and other sustainable initiatives that can lead to a more efficient and self-sufficient lifestyle. Light refreshments will be served at the grand opening, which is free and open to the public.

Created through a cooperative initiative between the Housing Authority of the City of Fort Lauderdale and Broward County Libraries Division, the Little Green Library and Environmental Center will showcase a variety of green building techniques that can be practiced in one’s home.

Located near Fort Lauderdale’s Northwest Gardens neighborhood, the library features a small computer lab which allows visitors to access digital and printed resources. Additionally, it will host environmental learning programs and workshops on topics such as indoor air quality, composting, rain barrels and backyard gardens, solar hot water, sustainable interior design and more.

In a unique partnership, the Housing Authority of the City of Fort Lauderdale and Broward County Libraries Division teamed to develop the Little Green Library and Environmental Center. The Housing Authority provided the space, furnishings, shelving and personnel and will fully fund and operate the library at no cost to the county. Broward County Libraries Division loaned library materials and computers for public use.

The library center itself contains a number of green building technologies. The interior of the library features energy-efficient LED lights, recycled countertops and work stations, as well as handcrafted sustainable cabinets and finishes. Urban gardens outside the library provide an eco-conscience touch to the building's exterior.

As a special library focused entirely on residential green building and sustainable living, the Little Green Library and Environmental Center will provide limited library services. Books and materials are self-checkout only and holds from other Broward County Library locations cannot be picked up there. The library will be open Monday through Friday, 9 a.m.-2 p.m.

For more information call 954-712-0441.