whitfield jenkins_bob paremore_web.jpgTALLAHASSEE — The Historical Black High Schools Athletes Organization has sent out a call to athletes to join the group and help to keep alive the rich black high school athletic history of the state’s capital city.

The group said in a statement it is especially reaching out to former players with Florida A&M University High Baby Rattlers, Griffin High Hornets and Old Lincoln High Mighty Tigers, “The history we preserve will be put in archives and museums,” said Dennis Jefferson, president of the Tallahassee-based organization.

“If you have materials, pictures, write-ups, old newspaper clippings or any other pertinent information, send it in and it will be put in the collection for preserving,” Jefferson said.

Jefferson, a former star at FAMU, organized the group in 2004 as the Historical Black Schools Basketball Players. The former quarterback is a graduate of Demonstration High School of FAMU, now FAMU Developmental Research School. He received a degree in health and physical fitness and a master of education from FAMU.

The cost of membership is $60 annually and checks may be made out to the Historical Black High Schools Athletes Organization and sent to Jennie V. Fowler, 517 Howard Ave., Tallahassee, FL 32310.

For more information, call 850-545-1663.