The bridges, measuring about 130 feet in length, cross over the airport’s loop roadway, creating a gateway to the terminals. The bridges provide a good opportunity for integrated art as they offer interesting views up and down the roadway, clear directional circulation and high visibility.
The selected artist or team of artists must create an original design that enhances the appearance of the bridges, while conveying a sense of place.
The artwork should establish a repetitive experience as people travel by car within the terminal loop and provide visual interest for people waiting for transportation or moving in vehicles and for those crossing the bridges.
It should also support the activity within the space and not conflict with or distract from driving or way-finding for airport facilities.
Opportunities include artistic treatment of roofs, cross members, ceiling, side panels, and lighting to create artistry at night, with a special emphasis on the exterior of the bridges.
The deadline for submissions is Oct. 23 and South Florida artists are strongly encouraged to apply. Applications must be submitted via or for more information visit
ARTWORK NEEDED: One of the pedestrian bridges slated for artwork.
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