It’s that time of year again when the holiday season is fully upon us! Today is Thanksgiving and it’s also beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Homes are filled with savory smells of holiday meals and families are gathered together in love and fellowship.

Before you know it, we will count down and scream Happy New Year! That’s right 2017 is almost over and 2018 will soon be upon us.

With so much hustle and bustle, it’s easy to forget the true meaning of the holidays. Sometimes we get so caught up in making dinners, buying presents and planning parties, we don’t really take the time to bask in the priceless moments that take place during the holidays.

I’m a firm believer in the old adage, “Jesus is the reason for the season.” And since God is love, I believe that should be our main focus at this time.

Because of this, I believe the Priceless holidays are a time that we shouldn’t be so consumed with planning for the special moments that we miss enjoying them. We shouldn’t be so busy trying to capture the moments that we miss experiencing them.

Sometimes we just need to be still and enjoy the most valuable things in the world, which include the time God has granted us to live, laugh and love the beautiful family and friends He has given us.

It is a time to be selfless and remember that our presence in others’ lives is more valuable than any presents we could give.

You may think, ‘Yes, but I still have a ton of things to do.’ We understand and can relate. That’s why we’ve compiled this Holiday Guide to help you check some things off your list so you can spend more time with loved ones.

We’ve shared resources on holiday flavors, decorations, where you can shop locally, gift guides, holiday shows and more to help you make this holiday season unforgettable!

And to add a cherry on top, many of the resources we found are from black-owned businesses! This way you can get all you need for the holidays and support the “Buy Black Movement” at the same time.

To quote another popular adage, “It’s the most wonderful time of the year” and we want you to enjoy every minute of it.

We present to you our Holiday Guide to help you have a Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa and Happy New Year!

Love and Blessings

Isheka N. Harrison
