Oh, so black folks are just going to give Hillary the vote because we like her? So the Democratic Party has already counted the black vote and is concentrating on America’s soon to become minority white vote that dominates suburbia? What if Hillary cannot extricate herself from self-induced scandal? And all the Republicans are frightening — some even sound crazy!

There is absolutely no black organizing afoot regarding a national agenda except among the jockeying black “insiders” readying to que-up for self. Voter registration is now a minimal game, politicos await get-out-the-vote money (payola) to get 2012 Obama voters out to vote Democrat in 2016. No organizing of other constituents be they registered or non-registered is, apparently, being planned.

More than one hundred thousand black elected officials exist throughout America and yet there is no national black agenda. It is absurd, shameful and psychotic. Except for a handful – and I mean no more than perhaps five – black elected officials nationwide are Democrats. There is no so-called political division of note among them. What then is the problem?

Two terrible things are at work here that pervades black social life. On the one hand leadership, be it a church pastor or a political leader, carries a Moses aura – one who can do no wrong, who must be followed out of the wilderness. The other is a psychology of dependency ingrained from slavery, a tendency to look to others to do what should and can be done by oneself.

Power is never realized because individuals do not conceive it in terms of interacting with others unless and until “Moses” orders it to happen. Next door neighbors, whole blocks and neighborhoods could be in total control of the people. Instead, paltry, sparsely attended associations persist that preachers and politicians (“Moses”) give lip service to but basically ignore until election time (help get out the vote for them).

Ingrained within the black psyche, as a means of control is the erroneous belief that organizing is a complicated undertaking that includes a lot of money that black people don’t have. Neither is it true that organizing is complex. No, organizing is straightforward, purposeful and full of immediate results. Organizing brings people and resources together, and provides an energy source out of which creative juices flow.

At what point of our sojourn here in America do we, as an African people, organize and claim our right to whatever we want? Marching and begging and playing politics the way white people want us to will get us palliatives, sure, like we’ve been getting since the Emancipation Proclamation. But is that really what we want, or is that what “30 pieces of silver” is for black politicos that negotiate in our name without permission?

Black political “insiders” talk to each other, not to you and me. It is time for The People to organize and go around these “Judas Goats” with a true leadership that is accountable. It may take time. We have time, but black Americans must utilize this pending end of the Obama era and the apparent dissolution of the Democratic and Republican parties, as we have known them.

Does it make sense to you that so-called black leaders have been talking, talking, talking about widespread voter suppression throughout the United States of America, yet nothing is heard about programs to counter the purge? What are black preachers and politicians doing about 2016? What are black educators doing, and these black people who are Greeks (or maybe that’s the problem, they are so Greek that black voting rights is not their problem)?

Yo! Black folks, what’s the deal, 2016 is almost here? Don’t trust Hillary or anybody else. Nobody can become president of the United States of America without us! Negroes, so-called black politicians, will be on the down ballot across America. Get with them now and forge an agenda and accountability statute. Remember what you are dealing with, downtown money buys the black vote and downtown interests control the black politician.

                   Don’t let it happen!

Al Calloway is a longtime journalist who began his career with the Atlanta Inquirer during the early 1960s civil rights struggle. He may be reached at Al_Calloway@verizon.net