While President Biden incessantly proclaims his dedication to this country and that country, and this issue and that issue, he gives us that lifting all boats logic regarding our needs. Pundits proclaim that as servicing the Black base. When really analyzed, anything Black people are promised do they ever actually become reality? Other groups get the bulk of it.

Black so-called leaders get special attention by keeping us on the plantation. We are so often told by them that we are making progress, which is a half-truth in this hydra-headed, Janus-faced American society. The actuality is this: If, for example, Black people progressed from A to C during a protracted period, White America moved from E to V during that same period. You get it?

We get crumbs in return for our vote. Placing Blacks in administrations has the appearance of political payoffs to the Black base, but they in no way have actual power. Notice where real economics is concerned, you see no Black people on the money! Biden talks to Black people about jobs (a lingering 1960s tact continued because it works) but nothing about economic opportunities for Black people who are segregated from the financial sector of society. There is no quid pro quo relationship between the political party and the persons Black people vote for; what we get in return for our vote is miniscule, at best, and does not equal the value of our vote.

The Black vote is the base of the Democratic Party, which takes us for granted. So who are the people making deals for Black people? How do they get the right to represent all of us Black folk in the United States of America? You see, it’s our fault, we don’t pay attention. We don’t do the work of organizing, so, we get the hole in the American donut!

Folks, we have to establish a National Conference of Black Voters, convened by a delegation of ten chosen by each state. Delegations should include the following members: a senior or graduate student in political science; $1million business owner; a noted Black history scholar; a single mother activist; a female registered nurse; a mature male ex-offender; a female veteran of foreign war; a mature male Black nationalist; a 19-24 year old male high school dropout; a female physician or dentist.

No civil rights groups, political, religious or secret organizations are to be sponsors or in any way be involved in any aspect of the endeavor. Sponsorship must come directly from the National Democratic Party. However, the participants convened will pull together needed agenda on the spot before the conference begins. The Democratic Party cannot influence delegates or participants in any way throughout the process. (This is an idea/overview, particulars have to be worked out far in advance.) I mean, good grief, something’s got to be done for 2025, and fast!

Hopefully our national Black media will be the vehicle that communicates all information about the coming National Black Conference and report its outcome and keep the thrust public with pressure on the Democratic Party and on the entire American government, and society in general, including Black organizations. The press must be what is called "objective," by reporting on all and editorially impacting the conversation, as well.

Part of the Democratic Party sponsorship will be the cost of Black filmmaking/videography, and advertising for national Black print and electronic media. In fact, if only the Black Press would generate the thrust for this effort, history is made at the outset. Wow! al.calloway715@gmail.com