While the cowardice of leadership may seem overbearing, non-action is ludicrous contemplation as a solution. The question for black Americans about their leaders is this: What action must be taken to harness the political activities of more than ten thousand black elected officials spread across America?

Here are some facts: There are black US Senators and Congresspersons, State Senators and Representatives, County Commissioners, Mayors, City Councilpersons, School Board Members, Sheriffs, and we have a host of judges at various levels, as well. (And there  are other minor, yet important, elected positions within states and/or localities not listed here.)

Clearly, it is at once odd and a shame to have so many cannons seemingly strategically placed yet important “ordinance” including firing pins and firepower left behind or never ordered. In addition, everybody seems to be a general – some may even consider themselves the top general – of what turns out to be that which counteth not.

Cowardice fed by history is what’s at issue here. If there is a genetic form of the malady, which I doubt, its randomness could not possibly include a grouping of diverse black politicians. No, I’m talking about learned behavior, a general adherence to moral turpitude – imitating the slave masters’ progeny.

Without the black vote, not one black elected official would be in office, anywhere. There is not even one black elected official that did not promise black constituents his/her loyalty, accountability and hard work on behalf of issues important to them. But black voters, like sleep walkers, are not conscious of real world reality.

What’s real is black voting power and what black people can do with it and what it can do for us. First of all, black people have got to wake-up from sleep walking or snoozing (“you snooze, you lose”) and otherwise not paying attention. Reality is this: Black politicians don’t have the money to run for public office, and they can only garner a little cash from black communities.

Secondly, black people have got to stop lying to themselves, hiding from truth like ostriches with their heads in the sand. It is no secret that all black elected officials are bankrolled by what is euphemistically called “downtown interests,” meaning white businesses and business leaders, all of whom are deeply political conservative or liberal white nationalists.

The third thing, like the Trinity Christians believe in, is that “God helps those that help themselves.” Therefore, the Black Church should and must be the organizing mechanism within all black communities. The time is now! Where there is a church whose pastor and leadership does not believe in helping the people where the church is located, boycott and drive them out!

Wake-up people, the time is now! The forces of evil have closed in on us — in every way exterminating us with the deadly gas of intimidation, lynching by policemen’s guns, brute force and the lawlessness of so-called “Law and Order.” Black people must organize, now. Organize. Organize. Organize.

Wake-up black people and organize your power. Most often black politicians run for office in districts that are majority or near majority black or so-called “minority” voters. Change the dynamics of campaigns by utilizing “the people’s army” to educate the black voting population and the youth, and to get out every vote. Don’t allow any white nationalist money in the black community. All black politicians are to collect and spend white money to get out the white vote.

Put the full power of the people with black elected officials. They are cowards because they are alone. Black politicians mostly tread water in a sea of vipers. Black people must be their constant rescuers, be behind them ready to act, ready to support in any and every way. That’s called The Politics of Access.

What needs to be planned is how and where a national conference of black elected officials can be held on the theme of: Black Political Organization, Agitation and Black Survival. Wake-up black people, the time is now!

Al Calloway is a longtime journalist who began his career with the Atlanta Inquirer during the early 1960s civil rights struggle. He may be reached at Al_Calloway@verizon.net