Now! Right now, is the time for you to get off the fence, stop debating, and send money to and/or volunteer to support Kamala Harris, the presumptive Democrat candidate for president of the USA.

Thank you, president Joe Biden for making your decision to step down from the race, and for your endorsement of Kamala Harris to defeat the Republican ticket of Donald J. Trump and J.D. Vance and their Project 2025 platform.

His timing was right.

Nearly a year ago, I was struck by James Clyburn’s comment when asked about Kamala’s “readiness”. The interview was in the early days of questioning about Biden’s health and stamina. Clyburn said that she had been doing the job for more than two years, and that she was more than ready. It sounded like an endorsement, but the time was not right then.

I have written before about this moment, Kamala Harris as president, but it wasn’t the right time, then.

We instantly learned where Black women stand. On the first night of her declaration to be a candidate for the highest office, more than 40,000 Black women participated in a Zoom call to show their unity with Kamala.

I’m waiting for the fraternities, 100 Black Men, The Boule, et al, to demonstrate their unified support, and call on their members to get on board. I know it is a “soon come” for our brothers; for them to leave whatever doubts and debates about having a (Black) woman president back in the bars, barbershops, and on the golf courses. It’s time to step up in a public show of solidarity.

The energy around Kamala’s candidacy is palpable.

Pledge drives and challenges are already underway. At the end of the first night, more than $50 million was reported in donations to the campaign for a Democrat president, in 24 hours, more than $80 million.

Creators are designing visual material, T-shirts, mugs, etc., and email, Facebook, TikTok and all other social media is flooding with messages to join the movement to get Kamala elected.

But there is some consternation about her candidacy.; it is not enough to be excited and reactionary.

America’s history of racism, sexism, homophobia, antisemitism, greed, and hegemony is undeniable, which raises many questions about electing a woman of color, married to a Jewish man, to lead the nation.

This is still America: land of the free to be openly biased.

Let’s assume that she’ll have the weight of the Democrat power brokers behind her, to help surmount these obvious obstacles.

Kamala Harris, the prosecutor, will no doubt destroy Donald Trump, the convicted felon in any debate. We anticipate that when he goes low, she’ll go toe-to-toe.

But she will be hardest pressed to throw off the yoke of any Biden/Harris administration’s shortfalls or failures, especially unsuccessful initiatives to quell the flow of illegal immigrants.

The issues of immigration have long been unresolved under previous Republican and Democrat administrations. It remains a triggering topic across all sectors, and Kamala’s moniker as the Immigration Czar will be a heavy off-load for her.

Her vice president choice may be helpful with this matter.

She will win the pro-choice voters, hands down.

Issues about the economy are a toss-up for both parties. So much of our economic health is dependent on our international policies (support of our surrogates, e.g., Ukraine/Israel, others), the climate (global warming is real), use of our natural resources (to drill or not to drill), manufacturing/employment at home, higher education standards, etc.

Kamala will need a strong position on those issues.

The Republicans have painted a dark and gloomy picture. Kamala Harris and her platform need to rewrite the narrative and publish rosier scenarios.

For instance, statistics show that crime rates are down, but we only hear about a rise in crime from the Republicans. Remember, all crimes are not equal.

Which crimes actually affect your peace of mind and well-being? Crimes of opportunity, thefts? White collar crimes, fraud, embezzlement? Illegal drug production and distribution (drug users keep up a high demand for opiates)? Sex trafficking? Murder? Domestic violence? Urban youth gang wars (with guns)? Angry young white males with guns)? Unlawful police actions (disproportionate killing of Black men)?

Be honest.

Pick your passion: a war on drugs? A war on guns? A war on corporate greed? A war against women’s bodies?

We need a campaign narrative to tell the whole story about crime in America, and Kamala, the former prosecutor and Attorney General of California, can tell that story.

It’s time folk.

Time to get the story right. Time to enact commonsense strategies to benefit the entire populace. Time to reset foreign relationships to avoid a third world war. Time to continue growing the number of jobs at home. Time for a breath of fresh and reasonable air into our politics and policies. It’s time to vote: Kalama Harris for president of the USA.