The Republicans are winning the propaganda war in America in 2022. They are misleading about 45% of Americans into thinking that the Democrats are too liberal, and many no longer believe in God, and Christianity. With God and conservatism on their side, the Republicans can win the Senate and the House in 2022.

There are more Blacks deciding to become Republicans or Independents, because racism and discrimination has slowed down, and getting better every day. The Blacks who are screaming and protesting about discrimination are trouble makers, and radical. There is nothing holding back Black people but their thinking, and them refusing to get an education.

Many White people believe that the United States is committing reverse discrimination against their race, and it is not fair. White men believe that many of their women are plotting against them, and the society is no longer supporting their thinking and philosophy. Many White men want things to go back, to when they were in control, and no one challenged their authority.

If you want to see what Republicans are doing to destroy Democracy, you have to look no further than Florida, and Gov. Ron DeSantis. The state of Florida is a primary controlled Republican state and is passing all kinds of Draconian laws. Starting with an abortion ban, to voter suppression laws, and to controlling what is taught in school.

Many Democrats find these laws discriminatory, but the Republican legislatures are passing them, and the governors are signing them. Again the Republicans are winning the opinion and propaganda war, and the Democrats must blame themselves.

It is very easy to say that the Republicans don’t have any ideas to run on, but they are busy passing bills and laws. Republicans across the country have introduced 137 pieces of legislation at the state level to limit what teachers are allowed to teach their students. Discussions about race, gender, and sexual orientation will not be allowed if the laws are passed in their state.

This is going to set our education systems back generations, but the Republicans think they are right for the country. DeSantis also wants to regulate what can be said in the classrooms, which could be controlled by cameras. This sounds crazy, but Governor DeSantis has signed and passed a bill, that does not allow abortions after 15 weeks.

This is not just happening in Florida, but wherever there is a Republican governor, the same kinds of laws are being introduced and signed. Former President Trump loyalists are moving to take over state legislatures all over the country, and Trump’s power appears to be growing.

Anti-protest legislation has been introduced in over 35 states across the country, and some have been passed. With new restrictive voting laws being passed, the Republicans have a plan to win in 2022.

When hundreds of polling places are being shut down all over the country, and you have to wait five hours to vote, the Republican plan is working. It is no accident in the White community; you only have to wait 15 to 20 minutes.

As more people of color and poor people get frustrated with the election system, the Republicans win. When the John Lewis Voter Rights Advancement Act is shut down in the Senate, the Republicans win. When voter must wait six to 10 hours to vote with no water, the Republicans win.

It is very easy for Democrats to think they have the best ideas, but the Republicans are playing dirty, and they will cheat and lie to win. The Republicans are winning the propaganda and opinion war, and they must be stopped, and voted out of office.