If you are a Kingdom citizen, God’s desire is to prosper or make your life a success no matter what the economic conditions of the environment. And the main way it is done is by His “seed” . . . the Word of God prospering your soul.  Know that it is the seed of the Word of God that controls all forms of increase in every area of your life. Third John 2 says, “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.”

Prosperity of your soul is nothing but revelation of the Word of God. The Book of Psalms says, “The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple” (Psalm 119:130). Because of Adam’s sin, the whole world (earth) walks in darkness and is under the control of the evil one (Psalm 82 and I John 5:19). However, you and I are the light of the world (Matthew 5:14), delivered from the power of darkness and translated into the Kingdom of light.

Peter experienced what I call a “breakthrough.”   I describe a breakthrough as a burst of light (revelation) from the heavenly realm. Peter said, “Nevertheless at thy Word (rhema) I will let down the net.” Once God’s Word brings light into your life, whether on marriage or money or health, your struggles are over.  You move past information or the “logos” (written Word) to revelation or the “rhema” (spoken Word). You have gone from something read or memorized to something alive speaking and directing you. Simon Peter went from a drought to a draught or great increase within 24 hours.  He experienced a complete financial turnaround in one day . . . with no toil.  That’s the result of a breakthrough—dramatic results.
As you can see Peter’s problem was not money or ministry. His problem came from not having revelation. His soul had not prospered. The prophet Hosea says it this way . . . “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.”
Realize revelation knowledge is the realm where Adam operated before he fell in the Garden of Eden. When he sinned he fell from the revelatory realm. He traded the mind of God for common sense and intellectualism. Jesus came to bring us back to the atmosphere of the Garden where revelation knowledge was the “norm” . . . from learning back to discerning, the teaching ministry of the Holy Spirit.

Here are four main steps to receive a biblical breakthrough in any area of your life: meditation, visualization, actualization, and manifestation.

Biblical meditation is a God-given process that produces a spiritual experience which causes a permanent change in a person’s thinking. It transforms what we believe about ourselves and our situation in an accelerated manner.
When God wanted to transform how a person believed He gave him a spiritual experience . . . usually a dream or vision. He did it with Abraham and Joseph in the Old Testament. In the New Testament He gave a vision to Peter (Acts 10) and one to Paul (Acts 9:4, 27:19). In each case they experienced a breakthrough and were never the same.

Visualization is merely the results of meditation.  You begin to see what God sees. Through revelation, you catch a glimpse of the eternal realm of God where everything is already done. The Bible tells us, speaking about Jesus, “. . . for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God” (Hebrews 12:2). How could Jesus endure His suffering with joy? He had a vision or revelation of a glorious future. He saw you and me returning to the Father (Oh Happy Day!).

Actualization is a step of faith that is required to bring into physical manifestation what you dreamed about or whatever breakthrough is needed. When we acquired our first shopping mall the Lord gave me a scripture to meditate, Psalm 1:3. After a while I began to see us taking our possession. I saw prosperous retail stores and multitudes coming to church services sufficiently to the point that in my mind the opportunity became bigger than the obstacles. This is when the Lord told me to sow a financial seed out of the ministry. He told me how much to sow and where to sow it. My soul had prospered and it started with the Word of God, the platform for all covenant increase.

The last step is manifestation. In the case of our first shopping mall, miracles began to happen and the next thing I knew I was in a big law office downtown in Chicago with a battery of lawyers, closing the deal. The dream had manifested! It was harvest time! I simply took God at His Word in which He said, “My Word will not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and prosper in the thing where unto I send it.” I pray that from this day, you will begin to experience a series of unending breakthroughs. And that you will live the rest of your life as the DAYS OF “HEAVEN ON EARTH.”

Dr. Bill Winston is pastor of the 19,000-member Living Word Christian Center in Forest Park, Ill., and founder and president of the Joseph Business School, which has a branch in Miami.