The COVID-19 vaccine, a new malaria vaccine, and a tuberculosis vaccine mark a new renaissance in disease prevention. However, their impact is lost if they don’t reach those in need. Over 10 million children worldwide have never received essential vaccines, and in 2022, 4.9 million children under five died from preventable health issues like diarrhea, pneumonia, and measles. From Jan.1, 2020, to March 28, 2024, 338 U.S. measles cases were reported, mainly among unvaccinated individuals, with 29% occurring in early 2024. In February, an outbreak in a Broward County elementary school resulted in nine confirmed cases, highlighting the importance of vaccination. Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, has saved over 17.3 million children by supporting local vaccine programs. World leaders are reinvesting in Gavi and at an international convention on June 20th, First Lady Dr. Jill Biden announced the Biden administration’s at least $1.58 billion commitment over five years to support Gavi, aiming to provide children with more lifesaving vaccines in less time.

With this commitment from the administration, we need Congress to continue bipartisanship and deliver on this commitment.

Claire Callan, M.D. candidate 

Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine 

Florida International University 

Miami, FL | Class of 2025