Here’s a riddle: How do you achieve the rightful Palestinian cause and Israel’s right to security?

Let me make this clear: I do not condone or endorse using terror against innocents.

People have been in conflict over Palestine for thousands of years. Disputes between religious and ethnic groups and interference by occupiers have never ended. Palestine – a large territory that was never a state – has had myriad ruling entities – Egyptians, Romans, Ottomans, British – to name a few, and has become a field of blood. Indigenous blood. Jewish blood. Arab blood. Foreign fighters’ blood.

If you believe in the biblical description, some of that land was given to the Hebrews by their God, and the yearning to return is prayed for at the end of every Passover Seder: “Next year in Jerusalem.” Support for Israel is part of some Christians’ religious belief that Jews should have this holy place.

Interest in forming a Jewish state and Zionism has been worldwide. (For a more in-depth history, I recommend reading “Power, Faith and Fantasy” by Michael Oren, a noted American-Israeli historian, in which he chronicles America’s interests in the Middle East from 1776!)

One thing is indisputable: Since before the United Nations demarcated the boundaries of Israel in the 1940s, charges of terrorism have been lobbied from all sides, and oftentimes the charges have been true.

Many reasons are given for supporting Israel, but was the creation of that state fair? Was the subsequent treatment (marginalization, removal, intimidation, killing) of the native people living in Palestine fair? What’s fair in the geopolitical chess game?

Today, Hamas, the leading elected party in Gaza, is labeled a terrorist organization. Hamas’ declared mission is to eliminate the state of Israel; they have no interest in negotiations or compromise, preferring martyrdom.

By some definitions, Hamas is another occupier of Gaza where two million Palestinians live under their political control in only 140 square miles. Israel’s military control is intimidating. Terrorists, all?

Remember Denmark Vesey (plot failed), Nat Turner (60 whites killed),

John Brown (mostly his men killed)? Each was involved in leading violent actions, albeit in response to the violence of slavery. They were vilified during their lifetimes in the 1800s, and were labeled terrorists. In retrospect, ideas about slavery changed: It was immoral, illegal, indefensible. Acts to overthrow the enslaver, to free the enslaved and to take land have been retold in a positive light. They are now called freedom fighters.

Nelson Mandela was labeled a terrorist. While he never denied being head of his African National Congress party’s militant division (Spear of the Nation), he admitted that after years of practicing nonviolence, he tipped over into the use of sabotage and other acts against the government for which he was arrested. He is now considered a hero, awarded the Nobel Peace Prize (1993).

So, what is a terrorist? How do they function?

As a Black American, I am in a quandary about these intractable matters of those people over there.

Mainstream media and the US government have propagandized us to be sympathetic towards Israel, our strategic ally and friend. But perspective matters.

As we wrestle with our sympathies, I suggest that we never forget the words of the now-honored Malcolm X which still hold much truth: “We want freedom by any means necessary. We want justice by any means necessary. We want equality by any means necessary. We don’t feel that (in 1964), living in a country that is supposedly based upon freedom, and supposedly the leader of the free world, we don’t think we should

have to sit around and wait for (elected officials) to make up their minds that our people are due now some degree of civil rights. No, we want it now or we don’t think anybody should have it.”

Malcolm explained that he did not promote violence, nor did he hate all white people, and he later on did not advocate a separation of the races. But he remained steadfast in his position that we should all enjoy the benefits of full citizenry.

I suspect the Palestinians living in Gaza and the West Bank must feel the same; that’s why they have a military branch, like every other nation! Like Ukraine. Like Taiwan. Like South Korea.

This week millions of Palestinians in Gaza were told to evacuate. But where to?

Reminds me of when Blacks in this country are told to go back to where we came from – Africa. No, this is our country, from sea to shining sea, and we should be willing to protect our rights to live as full citizens, by any means necessary. Does that make me a terrorist?

I’m going to continue to carry my voter registration card, my first line of defense!