The Black experience in America for the last 450 years has been both a blessing and a curse. America is the greatest country in the world with incredible opportunities and tremendous wealth. Celebrating the strength of the black family in America on Thanksgiving weekend should be a focal point for our entire community.

For far too long, the older black generation wrote off the younger generation as apathetic and indifferent toward the struggle for justice, civil rights, and equality in America. But in 2015, the younger generation created a movement “Black Lives Matter” that demanded human rights, and an end to systematic racism. As the younger generation protested the systematic injustices in the country, the lifelong black political advocates smiled as they passed the baton to the youth.

Many in the older black generation now understand that their struggles and fights with white supremacy were not in vain. Our battles are still being fought by an articulate and digital generation, which is taking the struggle to the next level. In the 1960’s, there were the “sit ins” and in 2015, there are the “die ins” which reflect the changing strategy of the struggle.

Only in America, blacks have been able to achieve tremendous levels of success in education, politics, business, entertainment, many industries, and finances. The first African-American president was voted into office in 2008, and it proved that our vote matters in a democracy. This is a phenomenal achievement, and once President Obama leaves office, his ability to improve the quality of life for blacks in America will be extraordinary.

As more blacks take over leadership positions in the country, black power is no longer an idle threat, but an action executed every day. There are more young blacks in colleges and universities than ever before, and this new generation is aggressive and determined to leave their mark in America, and around the world.

There are many issues in America where fundamental changes and issues are needed, but during the Thanksgiving holiday, it is a time to give thanks for being black in America. To blacks in America much has been given, and much is required and expected in 2015, and beyond. As the elders pass the baton to the younger generation, we can sit back and pass on wisdom, and understand we have done our job.

From the very beginning, blacks in America were given a unique spiritual assignment by the creator. We understood that we were sent to America to ensure that our country lives up to its ideals and constitution. After 450 years of enslavement and violence to Blacks in America, a new paradigm is emerging where Blacks and minorities are building economic and political power.

As blacks celebrate Thanksgiving, remember to think Black and Proud and visualize black unity. Even though drugs have entered our community on a wide scale level, black on black crime can be eliminated. As respect and spiritual principles become paramount in our communities, the breakdown of the black family can be reversed. Mass incarceration and the killing of unarmed black people will stop when we are organized.

With all the challenges in America, blacks are making tremendous achievements in every industry in the country. We must continue to be proud in our blackness because our elders have led the way.

Black people will be an integral component in transforming America, where everyone has the same opportunity to be successful. The Democratic experiment in America is working, and this is a great time to excel and live your dream. Remember to give back to the black community, and give thanks to all the black people who helped make you into who you are today.

Roger Caldwell, a community activist, author, journalist, radio host and CEO of On Point Media Group, lives in Orlando. His book, The Inspiring Journey of a Stroke Survivor, details the story of his recovery from a massive stroke. He may be reached at