By Fredrica S. Wilson

Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson has issued the following statement in recognition of Labor Day: “Labor Day is a time to celebrate the contributions of American workers and pay tribute to the labor movement’s role in making America the most prosperous economy in the world. Our nation’s workers, who are the backbone of the American economy, work hard to put food on the table and deserve fair compensation, protections from discrimination and unsafe work conditions, and to be treated with dignity. As we enjoy the long Labor Day weekend with family and friends, let us also take the time to reflect on the labor movement’s achievements and the need for continued action.

“Thanks to organized labor, we have a 40hour workweek, child labor laws, the minimum wage, paid sick and vacation leave, collective bargaining rights, and much more. As chair of the Education and Labor Subcommittee on Health, Employment, Labor and Pensions, I am committed to building on this progress to address the challenges American workers continue to face and stand with hardworking Floridians and American workers everywhere as we fight for fair wages and benefits, decent working conditions and economic mobility for all families.

“I wish everyone in District 24 a happy and safe Labor Day!”