Donald J. Trump INDICTED! We have waited such a long time to hear those words. When Trump led the call to “Lock Her Up,” in reference to Hillary Clinton some years ago, I always thought it was rather factious of him to do so. And kind of clever. Take the heat off of him, and place it somewhere else. It’s called a diversion. Trump could fool some of the American people. But not all of us. We survived four years of the 45th POTUS, and eight years on top of that with his public antagonization and harassment of the 44th POTUS, Barack Obama.

When Joseph R. Biden took the oath of office on Jan. 21, 2021, foolishly we all sighed a sigh of relief thinking that Donald J. Trump would fade into semi-oblivion with historians threading through his controversial presidential legacy. We were mistaken. This man is truly the epitome of the Energizer Bunny. He just keeps going and going and going. In his quest to con Americans into electing him back into the job that we fired him from in 2020, Trump has bombarded us with his nonsense, violent rhetoric, lies and hysteria nonstop. While text messages and emails prove that practically everyone over at Fox News literally hates his guts, it’s Trump TV over there 24/7 or so it would seem. We have not received one moment of rest from Donald J. Trump and his madness.

That is why I am confident that I was not the only one cheering my head off when word got out that he was finally indicted last week by a New York grand jury investigating evidence pertaining to the elaborate payoff scheme to silence former porn star Stormy Daniels from telling her story of having an illicit affair with Trump right before the 2016 presidential election. I am also confident that I will not be the only one who popped popcorn in anticipation of watching the Secret Service escort Trump into Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Braggs’ office and then to Manhattan Criminal Courts building.

Republicans are standing in solidarity across the board in denouncing the charges against Trump. For some reason, they have the erroneous thinking that he is above the law. If we really consider this logic, isn’t this the perspective of many wealthy white male Americans in this country; that if they have enough money and power, the scales of justice should always be forced to balance in their direction? Republicans like Sen. Lindsay Graham, red-eyed crying and blusterous, on national TV, using profanity-laced pleas to Trump supporters to send in their hard-earned donations to a man who is a self-proclaimed billionaire calling the indictment “legal voodoo.” Makes you ask the question, ‘What does Donald Trump have on Lindsay Graham’ because the way he was carrying on, one would suspect it might be very damning.

Former vice president Mike Pence told reporters last week that “it’s clear to the overwhelming majority of the American people that this is nothing short of a political prosecution.” What “majority” is Pence referring to because it surely could not be the same “majority” that elected President Biden a couple of years ago and it is interesting that Pence has conveniently forgotten that the man whom he is vigorously defending is also the champion of the rioters that stormed Capitol Hill on January 6, 2021. These same insurrectionists had a makeshift hangman’s gallery outside of the Capitol and were screaming “Hang Mike Pence.”

Make it make sense. And just like with the Jan. 6 hearings, Republicans are claiming that District Attorney Alvin Braggs’ case against Donald Trump is “weak,” a “witch hunt,” and “election interference” since Trump is the presumed frontrunner to win the Republican nomination. Yet Congress is holding Committee hearings on the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop? The Republican House is a sideshow with the intent to sabotage President Biden’s possible run for a second term.

So, what is the real deal here? The fact of the matter is Donald J. Trump should be held accountable for his actions regardless of the significance of his former job. If he is accused of committing crimes while pursuing election to the highest office in the country, or even if he is accused of committing crimes while acting as President of the United States, Trump should be held accountable to the Constitution of the United States that he swore an oath to upheld. Why should Trump get away with what he and the Republican Party would not hesitate to throw Barack Obama, Bill and Hillary Clinton, and other Democrats under the bus for? What the “majority” of Americans want is the truth and accountability across the board from our elected officials. It is insulting to Black America to insinuate that the Manhattan grand jury who have seen the evidence and questioned witnesses in this case, some multiple times, should have ignored what was presented to them based on supposed weakness, Whiteness, or the fact that Trump is the former POTUS.

Black Americans in this country have suffered the brutality of the American justice system for things such as exercising their Constitutional right to vote, peacefully advocating for civil rights, and standing up to the inhumane treatment that we have faced in this country since our ancestors arrived from the Ivory Coast. However, it appears that Whiteness coupled with power, unlimited resources, and money, can provide you with opportunities not readily afforded to Americans who were not born into privilege or have not been on the receiving end of being granted opportunities that could potentially create generational wealth. Donald Trump is a prime example of privilege and generational wealth which has created this sense of exceptionalism and entitlement that has poisoned and threatens the democracy of America.

The truth of the matter remains that in spite of all the pacification and squawking of Republicans and rightwing pundits, Donald Trump’s legacy will be one of firsts: the first President to be impeached twice, and the first former President to be criminally indicted and arrested. Trump may have been able to use his power, influence, brand, and assets to slide under the radar of accountability in the past, but it would seem that the tide is turning, and not in his favor. The proverbial chickens are on the horizon. They are almost home. Can you hear them?