Lake Worth, Fla. – Congresswoman Val Demings brought her “A” game and took it right to Sen. Marco Rubio during their Tuesday night debate in the Duncan Theater of Palm Beach State College in Lake Worth.

Republican Marco Rubio brought … Marco Rubio … and Democrat Demings wasted no time reminding voters of who he is, and has been, during his 24 years in elected office in Florida.

Demings cited the incumbent for getting nothing done on gun control, medical costs, affordable housing, property insurance or myriad other of Florida voters’ concerns. “Of course the senator, who has never run anything at all, but his mouth…,” the challenger said in one of the sharpest lines of the night. But there was plenty of give-and-take.

Rubio worked incessantly to tie Demings to President Joe Biden by hammering her on current Republican talking points such as inflation and immigration, and accusing her of supporting socialist policies.

That prompted Demings’ retort: “Senator you’re repeating yourself again. We’ve seen this show before. ‘Socialist, socialist, crazy, Marxist, silly.’” Where Rubio obfuscated on abortion, Demings was clear: I don’t think it’s OK for you to make decisions for women and girls as a senator. I think those decisions are made between the woman, her family, her doctor and her faith.”

The congresswoman, who represents Orlando-area district of the 2016 Pulse nightclub mass shooting that left 49 people dead and 53 wounded, demanded: “How long will you watch people being gunned down in first grade, fourth grade, high school, college, church, synagogue, the grocery store, a movie theater, a mall and a nightclub, and do nothing?”

Rubio never backed off during the fast-paced debate. “The only thing she does is vote 100 percent with Pelosi,” the incumbent said in his closing statement.

For weeks polls have shown Rubio leading. Demings has acknowledged her challenge is difficult, “but not impossible.”