REGIONAL — The South Florida Times has had as its motto, “elevating the dialogue,” since its inception nearly nine years ago. The newspaper prides itself on publishing news and information that is in alignment with that philosophy, one that includes spotlighting people and organizations working to identify and implement solutions to the issues plaguing black communities.

Our approach is based on the belief that although mainstream media may depict otherwise, the assets present within black communities exceed the liabilities and an elevation of the dialogue acknowledges what’s wrong, but importantly, goes beyond the problems in pursuit of genuine solutions.

This new feature will therefore seek out and present to our readers people in various professional fields whose work is “elevating the dialogue,” by stepping outside of the proverbial box to pursue and achieve solutions that transform black lives.

Our first honoree is Miami-Dade Chairman Jean Monestime, a man whose “out-of-the-box” approach to leadership could potentially change the way local politics is conducted. Monestime, 53, offers innovative ideas regarding ex-felons, transportation, housing and the creation of wealth among his constituents.  The first Haitian-American to serve as chairman of the Miami-Dade Commission is “elevating the dialogue” and we are honored to present him in this important new South Florida Times feature, which launches on Oct. 1 and will be published each month on page one of our Metro section.