Broward superintendent, Robert Runcie


Staff Report

FT. LAUDERDALE, Fla. – Still reeling from the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, Broward County Public Schools (BCPS) Superintendent Robert W. Runcie recommended a comprehensive, independent review of confessed killer Nikolas Cruz’s educational record and the academic, social and emotional services Cruz received.

During the March 6, Broward County School Board meeting, Runcie said, “Across our District, we continue to focus on supporting our students, families, staff and the entire Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School community, as we work to recover from the unbelievable tragedy on February 14, 2018.”

Cruz shot and killed 17 students and teachers; and wounded 14 others. He was arrested without incident and has since confessed to the murders.

“Our hearts remain broken, as we find ourselves at the center of enormous loss and heartbreak. The ability to move forward in the aftermath of a horrific attack on our school community depends on the steps we take now to understand the conditions that may have led to this tragedy. A quest for such understanding must be done with both transparency and a sense of urgency,” Runcie said. “I am, therefore, recommending a comprehensive review of the educational journey of the individual charged with this horrific act of violence.”

The superintendent said he planned to consult with the District’s legal counsel, the state attorney and representatives of the Florida Department of Education and its Inspector General’s Office. He proposed that the Collaborative Education Network, Inc., be selected to conduct an independent review that includes:

• A thorough review of the student’s academic records.

• Identification and review of the academic, social and emotional services provided to Nikolas Cruz during the time he was enrolled in Broward County Public Schools.

• On-site interviews with BPCS staff and agency partners, who provided academic and support services to the student.

• A review of policies and procedures in place during the student’s academic journey.

If approved, the review will begin immediately and conclude by June 2018, with a final report of findings and recommendations.