Hey, hey, beat the drum!  The veterinary practice of Pierre B. Bland, DVM is a year old and what a year it has been. The following are some observations I have made in that time.

I have never had so many offers for jobs from other veterinarians as I have over the last year.  I must be doing something right

I can’t be upset when I am recognized and approached during dinner and “down time” while in certain parts of town.  I drive around in a truck with my picture, name, and contact information on the sides of it, in addition to advertising in local newspapers.  I asked for it.

My clients have a great sense of humor.  When they present their pet’s fecal samples, they are more often than not disguised in fancy bags from high end designer shops and even once in a Rolex watch box.  The zip lock bag is so pass ’e.

I will never get used to people walking up to me and asking “Are you a veterinarian?” after seeing the signs on my truck or reading the embroidered logo on my work shirts.

It is easier to say “Us” and “We” than “I” and “Me.”

It feels good when others refer to or introduce me as “my vet.” It is a bit uncomfortable when introduced as “The best veterinarian in Fort Lauderdale,” but I can accept the hyperbole.

I can always count on the Rev. Keven Tisdol, along with my childhood friend and brother, Andrew Teague, for a “like” of my weekly Facebook posts.  Big Thanks.

My clients have had to learn to decipher and understand what one of them calls “Bland-speak.”  In addition to medical terms, my conversations are peppered with lines of dialog from old cartoons and song lyrics like: “Well that gives you a hobby,” “No flies on you,” “Big thanks,” and my current favorite, “Times are hard for Chico and the Man.” What can I say? Guess I am impressionable so lets not get groove-up in this gig!

I get a kick out of replying to complete strangers who ask me to extend credit for services by asking, “So what you are saying is, I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today. Right?”

When people don’t understand some of the things I say, I suggest they “Google it.”  That also goes for anything you are not getting in this column.

One of my greatest gifts is my ability to speak plain and straight to the point. My clients seem to appreciate my being frank about the truth.

One of my greatest weaknesses is my ability to speak plain and straight to the point.  Sometimes people don’t appreciate or want to hear the truth according to Dr. Bland.

I enjoy being my own boss even though my boss rarely gives me a day off.

I miss getting my pay check on time and also each and every week. Will have a discussion with my boss about that.

I really feel I am doing some good in the world.

Knowing I have the support and prayers of so many of you reading this makes it all a lot easier.

Thank you one and all.

Dr. Pierre B. Bland is a small animal practitioner who offers office and house call appointments to his clients.  His offices are located at 3225 N. Andrews Avenue, Ft. Lauderdale, FL and can be reached at 954 673-8579.