Staff Report

Beverly J. Gilliam’s professional career started in Asia, where she was responsible for activating and managing American libraries in Korea and Japan as well as libraries at U.S. military installations throughout Europe. Gilliam’s overseas experience allowed her to become well-versed in various cultures To allow students to have a similar experience, Gilliam and her family created the Beverly J. Gilliam Scholarship for Foreign Study offers financial assistance to students who are accepted into recognized summer study abroad programs.The scholarship’s goals are to “help students obtain international experiences that will allow them to become better world citizens and successfully compete in the global job market”.

Gilliam was educated in the New York Public School system, received her undergraduate degree from City University of New York and obtained a graduate degree from Columbia University School of Library Science.

The applicants must be enrolled at one of the UNCF’s member institutions as a sophomore or junior within the 2017-18 academic year. The study-abroad program, taking place during the summer 2018, must be approved by the student’s home institution and will allow the applicants to receive earned credit hours towards their undergraduate degree.

The candidates will be required to submit the following documents: on-line application, resume, transcript, essays, study abroad details and academic recommendation. In addition, applicants will also upload the supporting documentation that allows their study abroad program to transfer earned credit hours to their undergraduate institution.

For more information, email William Dunham at