Miami, Fla. – City of Miami Commissioners have been heavily criticized by the Virginia Key Beach Trust board and numerous others for planning to house dozens of homeless near the historic Beach. On Tuesday, city commissioners voted to replace the entire Trust Board by commissioners themselves.

At the commission’s September 13 meeting, commissioners approved Chairwoman Christine King’s proposal to replace all members on the trust until the city picks a private group to operate Miami’s only historic Colored Beach.

The commissioners claimed to be unhappy with an audit report among other issues that reviewed how the Trust is operating the beach park and wanted to make some changes.

Commissioners were set to make new appointments to the nine-member trust but instead thrust themselves into the positions to ‘preserve’ the historic Black beach park.

The new appointments were part of the commissioners’ discussions about their plans to move homeless people in tiny homes on Virginia Key and shutting down the adjacent business, Virginia Key Outdoor Center for code violations.

Commissioners’ deferred the homeless encampment item but terminated the lease for the outdoor center and proposed to replace members of the trust.

To make it official, commissioners must call a public hearing and vote on the ordinance in October.

Currently, the mayor and each commissioner appoints a member from their districts to the trust and three additional members are picked at-large.

Patrick Range Jr, chairman of the Virginia Key Beach Park Trust said it’s "very" concerning about the city’s plans for the board.

He believes the city has motives other than continuing to restore the beach park such as making it private property and developing lucrative hotels and resorts.

"For years, we had to fight uphill battles because citizens don’t want to see it turned into a private property," Range told the South Florida Times. "But I feel it’s related to the homeless encampment issue and the city’s agenda for the park."

The trust members were unaware of the proposal because they weren’t notified before the meeting.

The trust was created in the 1990s to ward off private development and restore the beach park by replacing features like a dance hall that thrived during segregation, and reopen the park to the public.

Also, protecting the environment for sea turtles and other species that show up on the beach’s shoreline.

"That’s what we are doing," Range said.

Range disputes the audit, saying the trust has carried out the goals and objectives in the master plan for the beach park.

"We have a mission, a master plan guided by and ensured by the commission," he said. "I am still in shock to be honest about changing the composition of the trust."

King said in a statement while she does not believe that it is imperative for City of Miami commissioners to sit as board members of the Virginia Key Beach Park Trust to ensure its success, she feels her position plays an important role as the only Black commissioner.

"My primary intent is to work to better the Trust and ensure its sustainability," she said. "My goal is to be a voice for the community, maintain inclusivity, and address any current challenges to help the Trust move forward with its mission."