Fort Lauderdale, Fla. – Big Brothers Big Sisters of Broward County and the Broward affiliate of Take Stock in Children have joined forces to provide educational opportunities to additional youth in the Broward County community.

The formal partnership enables middle and high school Littles in Big Brothers Big Sisters to concurrently enroll in the Take Stock in Children program.

The end result is that Big Brothers Big Sisters youth who complete the Take Stock program will receive full, prepaid scholarships for higher education.

“We’re extremely excited about this new partnership,” said Malena Mendez, president & CEO of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Broward County. “The missions of both organizations directly align, and at the end of the day, children will be better equipped and ready to take on the challenge of higher education. By joining the two programs, we’ll change lives for the better like never before.”

Officials said the mission of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Broward County is to ignite the power and promise of youth by creating and supporting one-to-one mentoring relationships.

Take Stock in Children also is committed to breaking the cycle of poverty for low-income, academically qualified students by providing opportunities for a post-secondary education.

“It’s partnerships like these that strengthen the power of mentoring,” said Amanda Frey, executive director of Take Stock in Children of Broward County, Inc. “By leveraging the best of both programs, we will be able to mentor more low-income, at-risk youth on the path to post-secondary education and success!”

The mission of Take Stock in Children of Broward County is to break the cycle of poverty for low-income, academically qualified students by providing opportunities for a post-secondary education. It is the Broward County affiliate of a statewide Florida non-profit organization that provides a unique opportunity for low-income and at-risk students to escape the cycle of poverty through education. Take Stock in Children offers students caring volunteer mentors, student advocacy, college readiness, and college scholarships. Its comprehensive services start in middle school, continue through high school, and include post-secondary retention and completion services. For more information call 754-600-9857 or visit

For the past 50 years, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Broward County has made an impact on the lives of youth by establishing mentoring relationships that build self-confidence and emotional wellbeing and empower young people on a path to graduate with a plan for their futures and a mentor whose impact can last a lifetime. For more information call 954584-9990 or visit