WASHINGTON, DC –  Legendary activist/radio talk show host Joe “The Black Eagle” Madison will host a live broadcast today, August 2 at the A. Philip Randolph’s 48th Annual National Education Conference at The Diplomat Hotel in Hollywood, Florida. The show can be heard LIVE at 8 p.m. on Sirius XM Channel 126. The A. Philip Randolph Institute (APRI), one of the nation’s largest organizations of African American union leaders and activists today announced plans to expand its training and its community participation leading up to the 2018 mid-term elections.  

#StayWoke:  Ensuring the Health of Our Communities” will be the topic of the session, led by Madison. 

APRI President Clayola Brown said, “ The term ‘Stay Woke’ is usually associated with social justice issues but keeping our communities healthy: physically, mentally, emotionally and financially is vital to our overall success in our effort to deal with mounting social justice, economic and voting rights issues, “ Brown said.

Madison will lead a discussion which will focus on various aspects of health including:  

Nutritional Health:  Actor/Activist Danny Glover who will discuss the “food desert” where are the grocery stores in Black neighborhoods.   Glover is currently working with the

Medical Health Care:  Dr. Ron Copeland, Kaiser Permanente who will discuss health care access and thee Affordable Care Act post Obama

Mental Health:  Dr. L. Toni Lewis, SEIU former chair, SEIU Healthcare and Dr. Philip Lucas, Howard University sociologist  will discuss the devastating impact racism and social injustice is having on our communities including a spike in the suicide rate among youth and  Older Americans.

Financial Health:  Shawn Miles, Executive Vice President, Policy for Mastercard and Senior Advisor Master Your Card will discuss how we can build financial literacy in African-American communities.

More information about the conference can be found at http://www.apri.org/2017-national-conference.html