Colin Kaepernick is getting hate far and wide because of his response to questions about why he did not rise during the playing of the National Anthem before professional National Football League contests.

Haters ask the messengers, “What is the solution” to violent confrontations between black Americans and law enforcement officers?

Well, the answer is Jesus! No, I’m not talking about Mary’s baby, the lion of Judah, the bright and morning star or the lily of the valley.

I’m not even talking about what fake preachers call the Holy Ghost.

I’m talking about what Jesus called himself, THE TRUTH.

To solve the problem of police shootings and killings of innocent, unarmed black men, women and children, all everyone has to do is tell the truth. Jesus said he was the truth, the way and the life.

Let me explain. Hopefully in a way everybody can understand and then, perhaps, in my way.

Back in the day, the Biblical Pharoah had a huge group of law enforcers. The Pharoah in ancient Egypt was the political and religious leader of the people and held the titles ‘Lord of the Two Lands’ and ‘High Priest of Every Temple.’ Not all, but many of Pharoah’s lawmen would beat, whip, lie and cheat on people who had committed no crimes at all.

One day the good people decided to leave Pharoah’s Kingdom and seek safety on the other side of the sea.

Well, Pharoah ordered his “army” of police officers to go after the good people trying to get away from misconduct, injustice, murder and law enforcement mayhem and misconduct and ultimately the people were saved when Pharoah’s army of bad cops and, read carefully, the “good cops” that supported the bad cops drowned in the Red Sea.

The sea was blue, not red. It became “red” when Pharoah’s army of bad cops got killed and bloodied the water.

Don’t get it twisted, I’m not suggesting that cops get killed, I’m telling you in a nice way that police murder and misconduct will never be stopped until good policemen stand up and stop bad policemen themselves.

Every employee in America’s police departments know who the bad policemen are on their police force. The chief knows, the patrolmen know, internal affairs staff know, legal counsel knows, the prosecutor knows. Even the secretaries and the janitors know the cops in the department that are disrespectful, trigger happy, biased and those cops that are liable to take the law into their hands and murder or maim innocent law abiding citizens of any race, creed or color.

The good police officers need to stop being police punks and point out to the world which cops prefer to shoot and kill rather than to protect and serve.

Terrorists, in most cases, don’t get murdered, white children don’t get shot and killed and white women don’t get found hanging by their necks in jail cells.

Why are black people, more often than not, shot just because they are black? I’m not a “threat” and I don’t know any black people that are threats just because of the way they look.

Innocent cops died when Pharoah’s police force drowned in the Red Sea and innocent cops will be killed in your city or town if they don’t help the people get rid of the bad cops.

You already know how I feel about city officials and county prosecutors that use tax- payer money to defend police devils but the “good cop” lies go far beyond that. Even the President of the United States is hesitant and reluctant to say a word about bad cops that could and should be charged and punished for murderous acts that take place under the color of law enforcement.

Every time a bad cop murders a black person, the people you love can’t wait to go on TV or radio and talk about why African Americans should support the people that put their lives on the line to protect and serve black people.

Well, I say support the people in law enforcement that support you and support the black community and the number one way police officers can show that they support blacks and everybody else in America’s communities is to abandon and discredit the police “code of silence” and point out the cops that enjoy pulling the trigger on people just because of their skin color, their religion, their sexual orientation or what they believe in.

If Colin Kaepernick doesn’t play another down in the NFL, he is going down in history as the guy who inadvertently exposed more racists than any other man in modern history. Contact Lucius at And, if you want to,“Like” The Gantt Report page on Facebook.)