DELRAY BEACH —  One need only look to social media sites, TV and local newspapers to know that the state of race relations among residents, law enforcement and the judicial system has reached a fevered pitch. Rallies, marches and other forms of public outcry are dictating the need for conversation at all levels.

In Delray Beach, on Jan. 19, the Spady Cultural Heritage Museum will host a panel discussion titled, “Revisiting the Dream: A Community Conversation on Race, Social Responsibility and the Value of Black Life.” Held in partnership with the Department of Curriculum Culture and Educational Inquiry of Florida Atlantic University, the discussion will invite residents to talk about solutions to the current state of tensions and how to foster multi-ethnic and multi-cultural awareness among America’s diverse populations.

“This is not the first time, nor will it be the last, that we take a moment to seek answers and ideas to how to bridge a gulf between people. What is happening across the country is a demand for attention to the issues that divide us,” said Charlene Jones, museum director. “The Spady Museum has always been a place where different points of views were recognized, shared and celebrated. We view history, art and culture as a collaboration of many people. So if we are going to make a change and produce something positive for the future, we have to talk, listen and collaborate now.”

The community-wide panel discussion will be held at 7 p.m. at the Spady Cultural Heritage Museum, 170 NW Fifth Avenue, Delray Beach, FL 33444.