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Tallahassee, Fla. — The Vote No on 2 Campaign today showcased the Florida Baptist Convention and Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops recent announcement regarding their opposition to Amendment 2, the ballot initiative to legalize medical marijuana.

In a meeting on September 22, 2014, the Florida Baptist Convention went on record in opposition of Amendment 2, saying “[the] Board does not believe legalizing an addictive drug without strong regulatory oversight is an appropriate solution.”

They also called upon Florida Baptist pastors to diligently encourage their church members to promote and vote to defeat the Amendment.

In addition, the Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops wrote in a white paper: “At first glance, the proposed amendment appeals to a sense of empathy and implies safe and limited use by the infirm; however, closer inspection reveals that the framework established by Amendment 2 is problematic in the following ways:

Potential for fraud and abuse

No assurances of quality, consistency in products

No requirement to try alternatives first

Allows for greater access to marijuana by youth.”

The Vote No on 2 Campaign is a grassroots campaign, bringing the truth about Amendment 2 to the voters of Florida.  Its coalition includes members of law enforcement, business leaders, constitutional law attorneys, doctors and other medical professionals, parents and Floridians from all walks of life. Amendment 2 is simply a guise to legalize pot smoking in Florida and the goal of this campaign is to point out the loopholes and explain why this amendment is bad for Florida.

For more information on the Vote No on 2 Campaign, please visit www.voteno2.org, follow @saynoamendment2and like FB.com/noonamendment2.