miami-college_web.jpgMore than 200 South Floridians gathered at Miami Dade College’s Wolfson Campus recently for “Can We Talk; Really, Can We Talk?,” a thought-provoking community discussion that touched upon several issues affecting the community.

The event was organized by MCCJ, the non-profit organization that has embraced Miami’s diversity since 1935, and featured former Miami Herald publisher David Lawrence as the moderator and ten prominent local leaders.

TALK LEADERS: Pictured from left, attorney and civic leader Marjorie Baron; Miami-Dade County Public School Superintendent  Alberto Carvalho; Co-managing Shareholder, Greenberg Traurig Jaret Davis;  Miami Dade College Board of Trustees Chair and journalist Helen Aguirre; Executive Director, City Year Saif Ishoof; Executive Director, Americans for Immigrant Justice Cheryl Little; Executive Director of Sant La Haitian Neighborhood Center Gepsie Metellus; President, Bank of America and United Way Chair Gene Schaefer; attorney and Florida International University Professor H.T. Smith; and Miami Foundation President and CEO Javier Alberto Soto led a discussion on community issues.