trayvon_martin_and_george_zimmerman.jpgORLANDO, Fla. (AP) Former neighborhood watch leader George Zimmerman wants to know the details of an agreement between the parents of the teen he fatally shot last year and the homeowners association of the Florida subdivision where Trayvon Martin was killed.

A Zimmerman attorney filed a motion Thursday asking that the documents be unsealed.

An attorney for Trayvon Martin's parents filed that paperwork last week in Seminole County and requested that it be kept confidential.

Zimmerman's attorney says the agreement could show whether Martin's parents have a bias, if they are called as witnesses.

A month-and-a-half delay in Zimmerman's arrest led to nationwide protests in the racially charged case.

Zimmerman has been charged with second-degree murder in Martin's death. Zimmerman claims he was attacked and acted in self-defense.

His trial is set for June.

*Pictured above are Trayvon Martin, left, and George Zimmerman, Right.