tillie-king.jpgAs an African American female manager in a Fortune 500 Company, it is urgent that I encourage black Floridians to vote for Mitt Romney.

I know the reflexive response: “The Republicans are racists.” But economic survival dictates that we abandon the racial buffoonery of Al Sharpton.

Simply stated, the modern, urban GOP is whole-heatedly inclusive of all races, otherwise, I and many other black professionals would not be members and I would not be a Broward GOP Executive Committee-woman.

What's the proof ?

Consider this: In 2010, the Tea Party endorsed and elected many black Republicans running for the U.S. House. More than 30 black GOPers were Congressional nominees two years ago and an equal number are running for Congress this year.

Two historical black Republicans won seats in the 2010 U.S. House: Allen West of Florida and Tim Scott, who captured Strom Thurmond's old seat in South Carolina.

Additionally, the Tea Party endorsed and elected our celebrated black Trinidad native Lt. Gov. Jennifer Carroll, who may be destined to be the first black Republican governor, ever.

Moreover, the Tea Party elected two Asian-American governors – Nikki Haley of South Carolina and Bobby Jindal of Louisiana. Google it.
And Latinos were part of the mix as Florida elected the first Latino GOP U.S. senator, Marco Rubio, and nearly a dozen Hispanic Congressional representatives from Florida and Texas.

So let's stop holding ourselves back from voting Republican just because we're minorities.

The Obama years generated enormous, epic, ethnic pride but he failed to live up to the promise of “Hope and Change.”

“Hope and Change” devolved into racial and class divisions — not the united America Barack Obama promised us.

n the Food Stamps economy, blacks have suffered severe setbacks in loss of jobs, income, home values and business opportunities — much, much worse than have white and Hispanic Americans.

Our college graduates have no employment opportunities on the horizon; neither do recent high school graduates. 

Black America deserves better.

And, despite our constant patriotism, Obamacare will begin forcing all active and retired military service members, of any color, to pay 40 to 300 percent more for health benefits after the election in 2012. This includes co-pays, prescriptions, deductibles and appointments. If a Republican did this, he or she would be called a racist or insensitive.

Our greatest mistake in the past 50 years is confidently buying into the fatal conceit of permissive liberal values celebrated by radical left-wing white people in the 1960s and ’70s. Consequently, the black father and husband is replaced by the welfare sate, resulting in 75 percent of black children not having a functional father. That is self-inflicted racial suicide. We need to change our culture — and our voting habits.

No wonder there is a coalition of 1,500 black pastors urging their congregations to vote Republican in response to the president's support of gay marriage.

In the Facebook world, there are at least six groups dedicated to the advancement of a black Tea Party, with more than 15,000 members across the country.

We must abandon and rebuke the Marxist black plantation-culture created for us by the Democrats. We must respect and believe in our potential to do far better in life.

It's time black America jettison class warfare and take their rightful place in the ranks of the Republican Party. Vote Republican and integrate the GOP.

Tillie King is a member of the Broward Republican Executive Committee.