Special to South Florida Times

The Florida International University journalism students who write the stories that appear in Liberty City Link work hard to give voice to a community that often doesn't have a voice.

Now, we’d like to take another step toward that goal by engaging you, the readers, in the community directly.

We’re looking for a small group of informed individuals who'd like to have their own blogs through which they can share their thoughts on Liberty City, telling Link readers what’s on their minds, what’s happening on their blocks, their streets, their churches and in the community generally.

We’re especially interested in hearing from folks involved in the schools, in churches, in business or in community groups. We’d like to talk to parents, teachers, students, pastors, police officers, community leaders, pretty much anyone.

The Link staff tries to represent Liberty City fairly by covering issues, events and people in ways the other media doesn’t. We want to show the face of a vibrant community to itself and to the world. But we don't live there.

A small network of bloggers would allow us to cover Liberty City more deeply. It would give Liberty City residents an even louder voice and would help the Link keep an even better eye on what's going on.

Interested in blogging? Email me at the address below, or call me at 305-919-5677. We’ll want to chat with you about your interests, tell you of our interests and see some sample blog posts.

And then? Your voice is your own.

Neil Reisner may be reached at reisnern@fiu.edu.