NEW YORK — Twitter has redefined the way we communicate. It has even been credited with starting a revolution or two. The company, based in San Francisco, has announced that it intends to sell stock to the public for the first time. Naturally, it did it via a tweet.
Here are some quick facts about Twitter in 140 characters or less, the limit of tweets:
— MT (at)Twitter We’ve confidentially submitted an S-1 to the SEC for a planned IPO.
— (hash)FunFact: In the first hour of (at)Twitter sending that IPO announcement tweet, 7,872 people retweeted the message.
— According to (at)APStylebook: “The verb is to tweet, tweeted. A Twitter message is known as a tweet.”
— The company was founded 2006 by Jack Dorsey, Biz Stone and Evan Williams. Their handles: (at)Jack, (at)Biz and (at)Ev
— First tweet by (at)Jack was “just setting up my twttr” on March 21, 2006.
— Three years, two months and one day: The time it took from the first tweet to the billionth tweet. (hash)CoolStat
— Users on (at)Twitter: More than 200 million. (at)Facebook has 1.16 billion. That’s nearly six times as many. (hash)QuickMath
— A billion tweets are sent every two and a half days. Put another way, that’s three for every man, woman and child in the U.S. via (at)smfrogers
— The public offering comes at a time of heightened investor interest in the IPO market — 131 IPOs have priced so far this year.
— Is (at)Twitter trying to avoid (at)Facebook’s May 2012 IPO (hash)fail? Well, company is keeping details secret for now. (hash)TwitterIPO
— The company hasn’t said if it makes a profit or how much revenue it takes in. (hash)FadOrFuture? Wonder if (at)WarrenBuffett will buy stock.
— Most of Twitter’s revenue comes from advertising. (at)eMarketer estimates $582.8 million this year, up from $288.3 million in 2012.
— Compare: In latest quarter, Facebook had $1.6 billion in ad revenue. By 2015, Twitter’s annual ad revenue is expected to hit $1.3 billion.
— 2013 (hash)Superbowl performance by (at)Beyonce had 268 million tweets per minute, more than any other event in past two years.
— Sometimes even missing zoo animals get their own Twitter accounts. And they can be funny. Just read (at)BronxZoosCobra
— Trying to find (hash)Religion? More than 500,000 people look no further than (at)Jesus who describes himself in Twitter as “Carpenter, Healer, God.”
— But 2.2 million (hash)HarryPotter fans follow (at)Lord—Voldemort7, The Dark Lord.
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