teen-web.jpgBROWARD – Parents, teachers and other adults who work with teens will learn how to recognize the signs and symptoms of troubled teens during a workshop called Typical or Troubled? The Student Services Department of Broward County Public Schools will host the workshop at Cypress Bay High School, Media Center,18600 Vista Park Blvd., Weston, on Tuesday, Nov. 5, beginning at 6:30 p.m.

The workshop will focus on the difference between troubled and typical adolescent behavior, how to manage related problems and ways to communicate.

Typical or Troubled? is an educational program that helps schools and parents distinguish between typical teenage behavior and evidence of mental health warning signs that would warrant intervention. The program includes culturally sensitive technical assistance for school personnel on best practices and educational materials. The workshop will include a presentation on Typical or Troubled? and a panel discussion lead by local experts in the field.

The Typical or Troubled? curriculum has been implemented in Broward public schools for several years. It is a nationally recognized program, which was developed by the American Psychiatric Foundation (APF). “Parents can miss the signs of early mental illness during the teenage years, when young people can be moody or rebellious, said Paul T. Burke, APF’s executive director. “How do you tell when a teenager’s behavior is cause for concern? This program, by educating parents, helps inoculate them against denial when their child is truly troubled, and gives them strategies for how to respond.”

The workshop is free and open to parents and adults who work with teens. Pre-registration is not required. For additional information, contact Marlene Sanders, guidance director at Cypress Bay High, 754-323-0372.