rev-dr-walter-t-richardson_web.jpg“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”   — John 3:16 – NIV

Sept. 11 or 9/11 is the memorial day of the 21st century. That was the awful day nine years ago when thousands of men and women lost their lives in New York City because planes flown by haters intentionally collided with two towers filled with businesses and faithful workers. Several more dozens of people lost their lives trying to rescue the victims. Many died on the planes used in the attacks, many more in the buildings and others died on the ground.

First, we continue to mourn the loss of the talent that was sacrificed on that awful day. So many gifted people, giving people, who gave and participated in the economy of our great nation, died needlessly.

Second, we remember the lives of those who died. Husbands, fathers, mothers, wives, siblings, cousins, blue-collar and white-collar workers, blacks, whites, domestics and foreigners, law enforcement officers, fire and rescue workers – all individually important and collectively irreplaceable.

But, not only do we mourn the loss and remember the lives of those who died; we are also thankful for the love that was shared. Those who died on that tragic morning were our family members and friends and we will forever cherish their memories and continue their legacies.

There was another incident where there was loss and love. In one verse, the most repeated verse in the Christian Scriptures, the Gospel writer John encourages us to consider the greatest love ever demonstrated.

First, we notice the perimeter of God’s love.  He loved all of humanity. His loved was not relegated to the rich and famous or the bold and beautiful. His love reached to the bad and the ugly, those living on the edge of night and darkness.

Second, we notice the proof of His love when He sacrificed His one and only son. He gave His best for the worst of fallen humanity.

Then, we notice the provision of his love. Regardless of status, social condition or geographic location, all have the same privilege to eternal life with Him. God’s love has no flaw or fluctuation; no lack or limit; no impurity or indifference; no imperfection or indulgence; no shame or selfishness.

Thank God for His adequate, abundant, abounding, amazing, assuring and available love. Thank God for His blessed, beneficial and benevolent love.  Thank God for His comforting, considerate, compassionate and consuming love.  Praise Him for his distinctive, delightful, deliberate, devoted, direct and dynamic love.

We honor Him for His enduring, essential, expressive, effective, encouraging, enjoyable and eternal love.  And, yes, for faultless, fulfilling, faithful, fabulous, flowing, friendly and free love, we give God Praise.