
Thanksgiving Special

While South Floridians are finding innumerable reasons to rejoice this year, for a majority of the region’s voters, the re-election of President Barak Obama allows many to share in what they say they are most grateful for this Thanksgiving holiday.

For West Palm Beach resident Barbara Hudnell there is nothing more important than her granddaughter Kayla Littles.

“I am thankful for everything but I am especially thankful and very honored to have my 17-year-old granddaughter living with me,” said Hudnell.

Hudnell is the daughter-in-law and Kayla the great-granddaughter of noted African-American educator and historian Ineria Hudnell of West Palm Beach.

Remembering bleak times when she was unable to bestow upon Kayla a grandmother’s love, guidance and wisdom, Hudnell said she takes nothing for granted.

“When my granddaughter  moved to Greensboro, N.C. with her mother at the age of ten I was heartbroken,” said Hudnell. “Now that she is back in Florida living with me, I am very happy and so very thankful.”

Gratitude for family and God also is the major theme this holiday season for Broward County resident Yocasta Imbert-Matos.

“It’s about thanking

God for all he has done and sacrificed for us,” said Imbert-Matos, who added that Thanksgiving is about much more than food.

Imbert-Matos, wife of Alexis Matos and mother of two, said she will spend her holiday in the presence of God and surrounded by family and food, adding that family gives her peace of mind.
“I look forward to getting together with my family and giving thanks

for what we have because not many people have family,” said Imbert-Matos.

Love also flows through Miam-Dade County where resident Corey and Kendalise James expresses gratitude for their family.

“We are thankful that we support each other,” said James, “and thankful that we have supportive and loving families that are always by our side when we need them.”

James stresses to their children to be thankful year-round.

“We were blessed to see another year together which allowed us to spend birthdays, holidays, and special occasions together,” said James. “And I am thankful that I can come home every day and be blessed to live another day.”

They undoubtedly are representative of many South Floridians, and others around the nation and world, who share the sentiment that with so much for which to be grateful, every day is Thanksgiving.

*Pictured above are Corey and Kendalise James