frederica-wilson_web.jpgWASHINGTON, D.C. — “Every summer and fall,” says U.S. Rep. Frederica Wilson, D-Fla., in commenting on the new hurricane season, “South Florida is at the mercy of the awesome power of Mother Nature, when we have no idea when and how severely a hurricane will wreak havoc on our community.

“While most of the year we enjoy warm, sunny weather, we also run the risk of experiencing a devastating tropical storm like Hurricane Andrew 20 years ago in 1992,” said the  first-term congresswoman who represents the 17th District of Florida, including northern Miami-Dade and southeast Broward counties

“I urge all my constituents to take this week to prepare for the 2012 hurricane season,” said Rep. Wilson, the founder of the 5000 Role Models for Excellence Project, a mentoring program for young males at risk of dropping out of school, and also a former state legislator and school principal.

To help the public prepare, Rep. Wilson referred to the hurricane readiness page on her official website (below), which lists vital resources such as links to the National Hurricane Center and FEMA and emergency phone numbers.

“Now is the time,” said Rep. Wilson, “to make sure that we are prepared for the next Andrew, Frances or Jeanne.”


Photo: Frederica Wilson