MIAMI — Families in Miami-Dade County are hit on all sides. Whether it is the rising rate of foreclosure, with one of each two homes currently underwater on their mortgages, or the lack of opportunity for youth and families to find good jobs, confidence in things changing is often low, with many concluding that nothing but a miracle can change community conditions.

Acting on the principle that all are called by God “To act justly and to love mercy” (Micah 6:8), area clergy members who say the time has come for the church to take a stand, identify solutions and deliver positive results for families and communities, are gathering on Thursday, June 7, 10-11:30 a.m. at Goulds Park, 21805 S.W. 114th Ave.

This effort is hosted by People Improving Communities through Organizing United FL. PICO United Florida has been organized to develop a powerful grassroots constituency to ensure that public policies and resources are serving the needs of low- and moderate-income families across the state.

All pastors of all denominations and faiths are invited.

PICO United Florida, part of the PICO National Network of organizations in 16 states, is a network of federations of 60 congregations representing more than 60,000 families uniting low- to moderate-income communities to work for systemic change.

Denominations and faiths include: AME Methodist, Missionary Baptist, Catholic, Episcopal, Jewish, Presbyterian, non-denominational, United Church of Christ and United Methodist.

PICO United has been organizing to bring the voices and concerns of working families to the statewide policy arena, building upon deep local work to increase healthcare access, increase opportunities for youth and keep people in their homes, leveraging the collective knowledge and power of local communities to inform and influence state policy and budget priorities.

For more information regarding this event call 786-493-8341 or 407-520-8714 or visit