doctor_copy.jpg(BLACK PR WIRE) PHOENIX – With 5.4 million Americans living with Alzheimer’s today, African Americans are twice as likely to be diagnosed with the disease. As awareness continues to grow, the new Alzheimer’s Prevention Registry ( created by the Banner Alzheimer’s Institute allows concerned individuals to enroll and help further research in an effort to treat and prevent the disease.

A new survey shows nearly half of U.S. adults have a personal connection to Alzheimer's disease. According to a national survey for Banner, the results also found that more than seven in 10 adults, or 218 million Americans, worry about memory loss or the disease for themselves or a loved one.

“Most Americans now realize how devastating this disease is for individuals, families and the country” said Eric Reiman, MD, Banner’s executive director.

“We need to marshal their awareness and concerns to push forward on the research that holds the greatest promise for stopping Alzheimer's.”

As November marks National Alzheimer's Disease Awareness Month, the survey illustrates the disease’s increasing impact as the nation ages and the prevalence of Alzheimer’s rises as the only condition among the top 10 causes of death that has no cure or treatment. With millions of Baby Boomers on the cusp of the age of 65, the Alzheimer's Association projects the number of people living with the disease could exceed 7.7 million by 2030.

The survey, a nationally representative polling of nearly 1,500 adults, was conducted by Edge Research for the nonprofit BAI, a leader in Alzheimer's research, treatment and care that is fighting the disease through collaborative efforts across private, public and philanthropic lines.

The survey showed that many adults also want to keep abreast of the latest scientific news on Alzheimer's, and are interested in learning about opportunities to participate in prevention studies. The registry led by BAI in partnership with academic and research institutions across the country, allows for both.

“The registry is a way that people can immediately start to make a difference,” said Jessica Langbaum, a principal scientist at BAI and associate director with the registry. “They can quickly and easily join this online community and help to accelerate our momentum against a disease that steals life before ending it."