letter-to-the-editor_web.jpgAs a country, we’re better off when more citizens can access the polls. Voting is a fundamental right and we all have a vested interest in making sure that as many Americans as possible vote on Election Day.

President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign in Florida is working tirelessly to guarantee that as many Floridians as possible have the opportunity to vote by making it as easy as possible for them to register.

Across the state, Obama For America-Florida is hosting regular voter registration trainings and signing up volunteers to register voters and talk with them about the importance of voting.

There is too much at stake in this election to sit it out.

We’ve never solved anything in America with less democracy. So find out how you can get trained to register Florida voters and volunteer with OFA-Florida by visiting your local campaign office or going to FL.BarackObama.com

OFA-Florida Volunteer Team Leader