letter-to-the-editor_web.jpgI want to compliment the speakers at the Black Doctorates 2012 Conference that I attended in Miami, June 29-30. I am a Ph.D. prepared nurse who has been practicing for the past 42 years in nursing education, patient care and research.

The speakers – Henry Lewis III, Ph.D., president of Florida Memorial University who gave the opening address, and C.B. Hanif, managing editor of the South Florida Times – touched my heart and soul. 

The speakers made me proud to be a doctorate-prepared person. I believed I was finally a member of a very special group for the first time since obtaining my doctorate five years ago.

I want to applaud two of the conference speakers for their inspirational speeches, in which they described their shared visions, journeys, pride and efforts to educate and support people. It is amazing how we inspire each other’s lives.

Charlotte Stoudmire, Ph.D., MN, DLC, RN
Indianapolis, Ind.