heart-failure.jpgWEST PALM BEACH — The National Coalition for 100 Black Women Inc. came together with Good Samaritan Medical Center, Urban League of Palm Beach County and the American Heart Association to raise awareness for heart disease on March 13. Heart disease is the No.1 killer of women and stroke disproportionately affects African Americans.

Importantly, African-American women are less likely than Caucasian women to be aware that heart disease is the leading cause of death.Called “Friend your Heart,” the event included a panel discussion and educational materials were given to attendees at the Urban League on North Australian Avenue.

The purpose of the event was to raise awareness and foster an open environment where women could feel comfortable to ask questions, learn and be inspired to change their lifestyle for the better, according to Mary Victoria Falzarano, Palm Beach communications director of the American Heart Association.  “We are reaching out to women because women are at high risk and set the protocol for the family,” she said.