alta_high_school.jpgSALT LAKE CITY (AP) _ A former Utah high school student has received $100,000 in a settlement related to his claims that he was racially abused by fellow students that included members of white supremacist group.

The Salt Lake Tribune reports that ( ) Anthony Armstrong, a biracial student who went to Alta High School in Sandy, Utah, was called racial slurs and threatened with a noose made out of athletic tape.

Armstrong says some of the students who abused him belonged to a white supremacist group called Rawhide. Armstrong was a student at the high school from 2009-2011.

Canyons School District spokeswoman Jennifer Toomer-Cook told the Tribune that officials moved swiftly and took appropriate action when they learned of the events.

Armstrong's attorney, Andrew Morse, says his client is pleased with the settlement.