TALLAHASSEE (AP) — Most of Florida's 2.7 million Medicaid recipients in all 67 counties would be placed into private, managed-care plans under a pair of bills that have been passed by the House.

The votes Monday, April 19 sent the bills to the Senate, which has passed a less far-reaching plan.  The chambers now will try to resolve their differences.

Both plans would expand an existing five-county managed care experiment pushed by then-Gov. Jeb Bush in 2005 to cut rising costs and fraud.

One of the House bills (HB 7225) would add Miami-Dade County in the next year, and the other (HB 7223) would add the rest of Florida's 67 counties over five years. The measure passed on votes of 83-32 and 80-34.

The Senate wants to add 19 more counties, including Miami-Dade.