marathon.jpegTALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) _ Prosecutors say a former Florida postal worker ran in the Boston Marathon and participated in other athletic events while claiming her back was too badly hurt to deliver the mail.


A U.S. District Court jury agreed on Tuesday. Jurors convicted 55-year-old Jacquelyn V. Myers of Tallahassee of health care fraud and making false statements to collect workers compensation. She could face up to 15 years in prison when sentenced July 25.

Myers reported a lower back injury in May 2009 during the annual letter carriers' food drive. She was relieved of mail carrying and put on “light duty.''

Evidence, including photos and videos, showed she participated in more than 80 long-distance races and triathlons over the next several months.

Her race times also improved after the claimed injury.