barbarahowardweb.gifThe world is watching with bated breath to see who will win the 2008 presidential election. Our next president will determine how the rest of the world – our friends as well as our enemies – treat us.

Therefore, only the Republican Party has the solution to keeping the U.S. “King of the Hill.”

There is a reason why the Republican Party is lovingly known as the G.O.P. – the Grand Old Party. 

As Michael Zak, author of Back to Basics for the Republican Party writes, “To this day, the Republican Party has an extraordinary, though overlooked, record of achievement in advancing civil rights in the United States and around the world.” 

Zak “emphasizes the fact that our Grand Old Party was established by anti-slavery activists, to oppose the pro-slavery policies of the Democrats.”

The Republican Party’s 2004 platform preamble states that everyday, Republicans “strive to fulfill (the Party’s first President, Abraham) Lincoln’s vision: a country united and free, in which all people are guaranteed equal rights and opportunity to pursue their dreams. His legacy goes beyond the borders of America.  It can be seen in free governments all over the world.”

So when you ask a Republican why he or she supports the GOP, the answer is simple; because of their “core values” (protecting our families, strengthening our communities, supporting a “vibrant entrepreneurial spirit,” building a competitive economy, and winning the war on terror).

They also believe in the basic issues of the party, such as supporting faith-based initiatives and other community organizations. 

They support increasing the reading, mathematics and science achievement of all secondary students while holding high schools accountable for teaching all students.

In addition to promoting abundant, affordable, clean and safe sources of energy; the Republican Party provides affordable, accessible, and flexible health care; strengthens jobs and the economy; works for legal reforms and nominates conservative judges who will follow the letter of the law and not legislate from the bench.

Furthermore, Republicans believe in strengthening our military and protecting our homeland while achieving a sustained level of success and progress in Iraq.

The GOP promotes strengthening the Social Security system without raising taxes or changing benefits for today’s retirees or near-retirees while ensuring that our tax policies help the nation’s economy remain the most prosperous in the world.

So in case you have been misled by leftist propaganda, this is what Republicans believe and why the Republican Party should and will win in November.

And our flag bearer is John McCain, the real reformer, the real leader, and the real unifier – a man with impeccable credentials, unwavering commitment, unquestionable character, and whose integrity is beyond reproach.

He “deeply values duty, honor and service of (our) country” and has continued the McCain tradition of service passed down from his grandfather to his father and now through him to his son, who now serves in Iraq.

McCain has a “pro-growth, pro-jobs strategy to (eliminate wasteful government spending and) get our economy back on track.” 
His health system reform plan to bring “costs under control is the only way to stop erosion of affordable health insurance” and protect the private health benefits for retirees.

He believes in human dignity and the sanctity of life while committing to clean air and water.  He is adamant about honoring our veterans and providing for their families while they serve.

He will protect our Second Amendment Rights, our educational choice and most of all, our national security.  Finally, he
believes that a failure in Iraq will endanger America for generations to come.

I asked Thomas Ward II, a coordinator for African American Coalition for John McCain 2008, why he was a volunteer.

He said, “…because I believe he is the best candidate to move this country forward. Having served in the United States Navy myself, as Senator McCain has, I know that he has a special understanding of foreign relations and diplomacy that transcends
the philosophical.”

He continued: “Actions with merit and planning are going to be vital as we move towards peace during this time of war. As a veteran, I believe that John McCain is the best equipped to deal with these situations and keep this country safe for generations to come.”

Enough said.

Barbara Howard is president of Barbara Howard & Associates and the Florida state chair for C.O.R.E. (the Congress of Racial Equality).