FORT LAUDERDALE — The Broward County Public School District (BCPS) has introduced a driver’s education application for iPhones and iPads as an educational resource for parents and students.
The driver's ed app was designed by former BCPS Driver’s Education Curriculum Supervisor Kyle Dailey and is free, easy to use and provides all the information needed to prepare, register and educate a young driver.
Parents can use the app to access videos, other driver-ed apps and websites for information on driving dangers such as texting while driving — an important message to be conveyed to students.
In addition, parents can use the app as a resource for ideas on how to keep their teenage driver safe. There are also links to insurance carrier websites with information on insurance discounts for drivers who take a driver’s ed course.
Using the app, students can access a calendar that shows the schedule of driver’s ed classes, obtain registration dates and information, see the curriculum for each day and generate a listing of class locations. Using the internal GPS in the phone, the locations are presented in order from closest to farthest with maps. Students also can access Florida driving laws, school contacts, the DMV manual and register for Driver’s Ed right from their iPhone.
The new iPhone app and other valuable information can be accessed through the District’s Driver’s Ed website, broward.k12.fl
.us/k12programs/driverseducation. The app is also available in the Apple iTunes App
Store or can be downloaded directly at
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