cell-phones-web.jpgWASHINGTON (AP) _ A District of Columbia neighborhood commissioner has been using his government-paid cellphone to call adults-only chat lines.

The Washington Post (http://wapo.st/SBD7AD) reports Lenwood Johnson, who represents part of Columbia Heights, has made at least 240 such calls since August 2011. Phone records show his personal calls total more than 158 hours.

Johnson says he wasn't told of any restrictions. He says he called the chat lines to stay awake on drives home from Baltimore.

Gottlieb Simon, director of the D.C. Office of Advisory Neighborhood Commissions, says using a government resource for personal benefit violates city policy.

Johnson also used the phone for calls to Pete Ross, a Washington businessman who ran for shadow senator. Johnson served as the campaign treasurer. It's illegal to use a government phone for political purposes.