robert runcie_web.jpgBROWARD — The School Board of Broward County on Wednesday picked Robert Runcie, a Chicago education executive, as superintendent of the sixth largest school district in the country. 

The unanimous decision came following final interviews Wednesday morning of the two finalists, Runcie and Bernard Taylor Jr., superintendent of Grand Rapids Public Schools in Michigan.

Runcie is chief of staff to the Board of Education for Chicago Public Schools in Illinois. He previously served also as chief instructional officer, chief administrative officer and chief information officer of the third largest school district in the country, with 410,000 students. 

Prior to joining Chicago Public Schools, he served as a senior consultant for a computer science corporation.

Runcie holds a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from Harvard College and Master of Management from Northwestern University.  He is also a Broad Fellow, having completed an education executive training program presented by the prestigious Broad Superintendents Academy.

The Broward School Board made its final choice from an applicant pool of 47, first selecting six semi-finalists to be interviewed, before narrowing it to Runcie and Taylor. Prior to their final interviews,  they had one-on-one sessions with board members, took part in a “Meet the Press” news conference, a “Meet and Greet” with community members and a Community Forum.

Negotiations will now take place for a contract for Runcie, whose start date has not yet been determined.

Photo: Robert Runcie